Companions: Jo Grant
Writtten by: Louis Marks
Directed by: Paul Bernard
Editor's Note: Hey, guys! I have the week off because I'm prepping for what's going to be a really... weird entry in a few weeks. So Cassandra is here and talking about a big ol' loopy time travel story. But with Daleks. Word on the street is she liked it. And you know what they say about 'dem streets...
Background & Significance: This story is kind of a big deal.
As the first story in Doctor
Who’s 9th season, “Day of the Daleks” promised to not only open
the season with a bang, but also—well, Daleks.
Since their apparent departure in the epic Troughton serial,
“Evil of the Daleks,” the Doctor’s first foes stayed off the air for
essentially four years, before the BBC started wheedling script editor Terrance
Dicks and producer Barry Letts to bring them back.
But bring them back they did, and, though originally
intended to appear at the very end of the season, instead got inserted into
this lively little adventure, to open the season with a bit of spectacle.
“Day of the Daleks” is written by Louis Marks who wrote the
enjoyable serial “Planet of Giants” wayyyy back in Hartnell’s second
season. He would later go on to write “Planet of Evil” and “Masque of Mandragora,” which gives him a pretty solid track
record, at least in my book. It’s
directed by Paul Bernard, who would later go on to direct “The Time Monster”
and “Frontier in Space,” so his track record after this is…not so good. I honestly have no idea if this was a fluke
or what, because… wow.
Anyway. Enough of all
that, let’s take a closer look, shall we?