Companion: Sarah Jane Smith, Harry Sullivan
Written by: Terrance Dicks
Directed by: Christopher Barry
Background & Significance: Jon Pertwee left the role of The Doctor after five solid years of stories. Again, he left a void, one to be filled by incoming producer Phillip Hinchcliffe and story editor Robert Holmes.
Hinchcliffe's vision of the show saw a departure from much of his predecessor, Barry Letts, who had relegated The Doctor to UNIT and Earth-based stories for about five years. Hinchcliffe (and his co-brain, Holmes) wanted The Doctor to get back to his pre-exile roots: as a traveling wanderer on the search for the next cool thing to see.
Also wanting to depart from Pertwee's Scientist/Man-of-Action interpretation, Hinchcliffe sought to change his focus on The Doctor, making him a peculiar alien traveler with a silly alien mind that works in silly alien ways. This saw the casting of Tom Baker as The Doctor, kicking off seven long years of Tom Baker stories.
Interestingly enough, Tom Baker's kickoff story is not "Gothic horror" in the way the first three seasons under Hinchcliffe/Holmes are "Gothic". Outgoing script editor Terrance Dicks penned the story (under Robert Holmes's script editing) and - because Doctor Who was filmed in "production blocks", with the last story filmed in a given season's production blog being the first story broadcast for the next season - the story itself still fell under the production purview of Barry Letts before Hinchcliffe's assumption of the role, meaning that what we get is essentially a traditional UNIT story with Tom Baker as The Doctor.
But we get to see what it's like when Tom Baker picks up his role as The Doctor, bringing as much energy and strength to the role as he ever did, long before he became complacent and began going through the motions (which you can definitely see in the post-Hinchcliffe era when he starts, for lack of better term, phoning it in).
No. Each decision here is specific and well performed and well thought out. And it's damn good Tom Baker. Damn good. Probably my favourite of his so far.
So let's get to it!
Part 1:
We open on the last second of The Third Doctor’s incarnation (blog forthcoming eventually, I promise!), with The Brigadier and Sarah Jane watching as he transforms into his Fourth incarnation.
Now, going into “Robot” I was extremely sad because watching The Doctor not be Jon Pertwee anymore just wasn’t going to be the same. I mean, it’s Tom Baker, so he’s in good hands, but there is something inherently sad about not having the last Doctor around anymore.
And really, I think that’s one of the most difficult things about post-regeneration stories. A character you [supposedly] loved has just DIED and been replaced by a new face. And now the creators are asking you to walk away from a very, very good Doctor and believe in someone new; he’s not just a new incarnation, but a new incarnation who is, in a way, a reaction AGAINST the previous incarnation.
But more on that in just a bit.
And then Tom Baker pulls it out with his first lines, which, I think, sum up his Doctor’s weird alienness, so I’m going to quote them for you, and then we’re moving on, I swear.
"Sontarans perverting the course of human history... Don't worry, Brigadier, the brontosaurus is large and placid... and stupid! If the square of the hypotenuse equals the sum of the square of the other two sides, then why is a mouse when it spins? Never did find the answer to that one."
"Sontarans perverting the course of human history... Don't worry, Brigadier, the brontosaurus is large and placid... and stupid! If the square of the hypotenuse equals the sum of the square of the other two sides, then why is a mouse when it spins? Never did find the answer to that one."
Yep. That’s this Doctor you.
So he’s blurting out gibberish and gets carted out (wearing Pertwee’s clothes! So precious!) by attending medical officer Harry Sullivan so he can get tested in the UNIT lab. The Brigadier makes sure to instruct Harry that he is in charge of The Doctor. If anything happens to him, it’s Harry’s fault.
We cut to a military installation (not UNIT), where a weird kaleidoscope vision thing is walking across the countryside, breaking into locked-gate areas, stealing secret plans, and attracting no attention despite its slow lumbering quality.
Spoilers: it’s the Robot.
The next day, The Brigadier talks idly with Sarah Jane about the stolen documents (which is in no way some highly confidential stuff). But Sarah knows better than to say anything about it. No, instead she just wants a UNIT visitor’s pass to go visit a bleeding edge scientific research place called “Think Tank”.
The Brigadier agrees and the two of them leave the lab to go get Sarah her pass.
As they leave, The Doctor sneaks past them, dressed in a nightgown and a light jacket. He heads for the laboratory, where his TARDIS is waiting for him.
So remember the part where I was talking about reaction against what had happened before? Yeah. This is that. Less than five minutes into the episode and The Doctor wants off of Earth and away from UNIT. And this becomes a MAJOR force in this incarnation’s Doctor: stay off Earth. Go explore.
So you see, this is a different iteration of the same character. The previous guy was content in his exile, traveling every so often, but still coming back to UNIT. Now, get him the frak out of there.
But enough of my chatter. Let’s get a bit of a youtube. Cuz it’s really fun to see Tom Baker’s first scenes in the role. And a costume scene is always such fun. So it’s a bit long, but very worth it.
I’m sorry, but that’s some of the best Doctor I’ve so far seen out of Tom Baker. The energy is undeniable and powerful and palpable, and he just slips into the role so effortlessly. It’s a lot more Doctor here than it is Tom Baker. I like that.
While all that was going on, we got some more footage of the kaleidoscope vision mucking around the countryside, breaking through steel doors, and stealing more stuff.
The Doctor, The Brigadier, and Harry go out to investigate, with The Doctor pulling off his CSI skills, and noting that a dandelion has been flattened by something that weighed a quarter of a ton.
The Doctor also realizes that the kaleidoscope machine is stealing parts that can be used to create a highly advanced disintegrator gun. The Brigadier is shocked at The Doctor’s knowledge of such top secrets, but The Doctor gives away nothing about his insider information.
He goes on to say that if the kaleidoscope vision has stolen the disintegrator gun's plan and the necessary circuitry, they need to lock up whatever else it might need, which, in this case, is the focusing generator.
Sarah Jane goes to visit the Think Tank where she meets with the Director Elda Winters (who, I’m just going to add right now, is a right bitch) and gets a tour of the facility.
She breaks away from them and to that door that says “Positively No Admittance”. Winters and her assistant protest, but apparently not enough to actually lock the door.
That’s some weak ass security for a top secret weapons research facility.
Fortunately for the institute, it’s an empty room save for an oil slick stain on the ground. It belonged to robotic scientist J.P. Kettlewell, but he’s long since left the institution citing creative differences or whatever.
Over at the focusing generator place, The Brigadier brags about all the men (heh), barbed wire, helicopters, and security he put into locking the place down. The Doctor is less than convinced, saying that they have the ground and the air covered, but what about the underground?
And this I think is another example of different Doctor. Instead of telling everyone how to do their jobs or actively stopping this thing, he’s very resigned to this whole situation and you can tell he’s only there because he feels the responsibility, not because he feels it’s his job.
And sure enough the kaleidoscope vision breaks into the vault with the focusing generators by busting up through the ground, causing a ruckus, and stealing the focusing generators from the safe.
Sarah Jane visits Professor Kettlewell to discuss his workings at Think Tank with him. Also, Kettlewell is so ridiculous looking it’s amazing. Seriously, talk about ridiculously inconspicuous.
Naturally, Kettlewell is less than forthcoming with any information he might have, saying lots about how the Think Tank doesn’t reflect his views on science and morality and stuff and no one could continue his work in robotics because no one is as crazy of hair as he is as smart as he is.
Sarah Jane, ever the dissatisfied reporter, gets into her car and heads back to Think Tank because the pass has yet to expire and she could still probably get on premises without too much hassle.
The Doctor, Brigadier, Benton, and Harry investigate the other end of the dug tunnel, and make note of the giant footprints left behind by the whatever that dug the thing.
Sarah Jane arrives at Think Tank and asks the guard to be let back onto the premises. He heads off to make a call, and while his back is turned, she sprints across the courtyard and right for the “Absolutely No Admittance” door.
WHICH IS STILL UNLOCKED. Honest to god. It’s like people don’t care about security at all in this place.
She sneaks into Kettlewell’s old lab and examines the oil (which is the only reason she came back?) only to find a door open behind her and the giant, title-eponymous Robot pops out, approaching her and demanding to know why she’s here.
And through the kaleidoscope vision, we realize this is the thing that’s been stealing the things. And now it’s after Sarah Jane!
Part 2:
Sarah Jane manages to rush out of the room and right into the waiting arms of Director Winters, who seems delighted that the snooping Sarah Jane got so punk’d by their little “joke”.
Which is…what? This’s why brainy people have a hard time with jokes. That’s a lame ass joke. If a big giant Robot started coming at me like that, I’d kill the people who told me it was a joke. Teh. Joke indeed.
Sarah Jane asks if she can see it again so she can examine it, but it takes a bit because the assistant has to make sure that the Robot isn’t malfunctioning in any way and that everything is “safe”.
See? That just tells me that it probably *wasn’t* a joke.
Sarah Jane begins questioning the Robot (designate K-1; perhaps a distant ancestor to the ever-lovable K-9?) about its function, and it turns out that this thing is designed to replace humans in dangerous tasks. And Sarah Jane wonders if the Robot could be used by enemy hands for nefarious purposes.
And Director Winters, ever the bundle of fun, orders the Robot that Sarah Jane is an intruder and a spy and she must be killed.
The Robot attempts to attack Sarah Jane, but finds it is unable, as it has been programmed all Asmovian-like to not harm human life.
Seriously, though. What a bitch. Let’s tell the giant death metal on legs to kill someone as a joke. Haha. That’s bloody hilarious except so so not.
Winters tells Sarah Jane not to tell anyone about the Robot or she’ll have to report to the journalist union (or whatever) about Sarah’s unethical break-in through an unlocked door and onto government property when she clearly still had a pass to get on the grounds.
Whatever. We get it. Winters is a bitch.
Turns out she’s a mega bitch because her assistant reminds her that the “inhibitor” was just reset and Winters really had no idea if it would work or not.
Back at UNIT, The Doctor deduces that the thing they’re looking for is not alien, but is anthropomorphic (as no human can do what it’s done). And that’s when Sarah bursts in and starts spouting her mouth off about the Robot, which they all realize is the thing.
Then over at Think Tank, we watch as Winters and her assistant argue over the Robot or something else like that or something. I don’t know. Not really important. They question whether The Robot actually has feelings and get The Robot ready for its next assignment:
Sarah Jane urges The Brigadier to get UNIT to raid Think Tank, but The Brigadier knows they have connections enough they would have too much lead time before the raid could happen. So The Doctor suggests using Harry as a plant keep an eye on Think Tank as an inside man.
Which is strange. But I’ll get to why in just a bit.
Professor Kettlewell gets a visit from The Doctor, Sarah Jane, and The Brigadier and, when The Doctor corrects one of his equations, totally nerds out about the nature of science and progress and all that wonderful nerdishness.
When the conversation turns to the Robot and Kettlewell hears about what UNIT thinks is happening to the Robot, he worries that such violations of the Robot’s base prime directives will shatter the Robot’s mind and drive him insane.
Speaking of violating the prime directive, The Robot goes and kills that guy Think Tank wants him to kill. So there goes the Robot’s mind.
Back at UNIT HQ, The Brigadier informs The Doctor and Sarah Jane about the murder and another Robot theft (the Robot killed him and then robbed him, leaving the poor old man no dignity).
The Doctor asks if there’s anything strange about the Think Tank folk and The Brigadier points out that their only “fault” is belonging to an organization called the Scientific Reform Society (SRS), which wants to reform the world into a more rational and scientific society.
That evening, Kettlewell gets a visit from his distraught Robot, which is nearly on the verge of tears because it knows it violated its prime directive. Kettlewell is disappointed and sad at the thing.
Doctor Who: Where you'll see a grown robot cry.
The next day, Sarah Jane visits the SRS meeting site and questions the a-hole who’s working behind the desk. Apparently, this jackass is all about “superior intellects” and a very intelligence-based oligarchy that tells people how to act and what to think and what to do and how to dress.
So… they’re fascist nerds. As far as fascists go, that’s probably the worst kinda fascists. They’re the ones who’ll get into squabbles over anything and troll around telling random people on the street that Kirk could totally take on Picard if they went into a cage match and that Tom Baker is the best and only Doctor worth watching.
See? Hell. You wouldn’t think so. But it is. Do you want to have that guy telling you things? No. Nerd fascism is WRONG.
Also, I love that this bouncer guy wears a long-sleeve black turtleneck. See? Fascist nerds And they want to tell us how to dress!
The Doctor and The Brigadier get a tour around Think Tank with Director Winters and, at the end of their trip, guess where The Doctor enters?
And guess what? IT IS STILL UNLOCKED. Honest to frak, man. I can understand it not being locked a few minutes later cuz she’s gone. But this is the THIRD TIME someone’s broken into your no admittance door. You think the sign’s keeping them out? Yeah frakking right. JUST LOCK THE GOD DAMN DOOR.
Unfortunately, the Robot isn’t there. Winters says she’s dismantled it because Sarah Jane made it unstable with her groundbreaking thought processes or whatever. Doesn’t matter. She’s lying and she’s not really fooling anyone.
They leave and Director Winters is introduced to their new health inspector.
Back at UNIT, The Doctor gets a phone call from Kettlewell, who tells The Doctor to come over to help him with The Robot, which he has.
And as The Doctor prepares to go confront the Robot in our first youtube, Kettlewell is apprehended by Think Tank and carted away, so he’s unable to meet The Doctor for their rendezvous.
Also, it’s fun to watch this Tom Baker, as opposed to the complacent one under Graham Williams when he started making it about him and not The Doctor.
Part 3:
Luckily, Sarah Jane arrives to find Bessie parked out front. She races in just as The Doctor passes out and The Robot is about to strike the crushing blow; appealing to its humanity, she reminds it of the kindness she showed it and whatever, making the Robot terribly confused and stuff.
Benton runs in and lays down a suppressing fire DESPITE SARAH JANE BEING IN THE WAY and The Robot flees, past UNIT troops, bullets having no effect on it.
Benton tends to Sarah Jane, and the two discover a trussed up Professor Kettlewell in a cabinet. They bring him back to UNIT HQ where he tells them what happened and discusses the Robot’s composition. Turns out the confused chap is made out of living metal that has the capability to grow.
Which is an odd quality to give to a robot. What about laser eyes or a penchant for neat knitting patterns? Those sound like better Robot qualities to me.
But it also led him to create living metal’s counterpart: a metallic virus that breaks down metal.
Wonderful. Now all he needs is metallic penicillin and he’s got a whole new ecosystem on his hands.
He also sees the SRS pamphlet and mentions that he’s a member of the organization because they “persuaded him” or something. Sarah Jane sees this as an opportunity to act as a plus-one to his attending the meeting that will be happening tonight.
Kettlewell and Sarah Jane go to the meeting and Kettlewell shows off his membership card. Also, it’s hilarious because he tries to do it all sneaky like DESPITE THE FACT THAT HE LOOKS LIKE CRAZY HAIR PROFESSOR KETTLEWELL what with the poofy hair and whatnot.
Back at UNIT, The Brigadier worries about Sarah Jane and Kettlewell and informs The Doctor about another piece of the puzzle: Great Britain has the access codes to all the major superpowers’ nuclear arms.
Also, there’s a great line here, but I won’t say it because it works really well in context. And it makes The Brigadier stop and think for a minute. Quite clever.
Unfortunately, this means that the Robot stole the access codes and now Think Tank is in control of the entire world’s nuclear arsenal.
Which means the entire world is literally in the hands of Director Winters, who happens to run Think Tank and be a ranking member of the SRS, where she gives Hitleresque speeches with sweeping gestures and wears black gloves.
Yep. She’s a bad guy.
So she’s all for nerd fascism and says she owes they owe it all to Professor Kettlewell and his creation, who walks out onstage, apparently a huge part of all of this and a willing accomplice.
Ummm…What? This is… outta nowhere. But… okay? I guess?
Then the Robot comes out on stage and exposes Sarah Jane’s hiding place. Which is in the back behind a table. Wouldn’t people see her as they entered? How is that her hiding spot? It’s not like she’s in a cabinet or anything.
The Doctor manages to break into the SRS meeting by making a nerd fascist trip over his scarf and leaps on stage and starts entertaining the troops by doing card tricks and dancing a jig until the Brigadier arrives.
Sarah Jane and The Doctor are taken hostage and Director Winters orders them executed. Kettlewell protests, but they don’t care. Did he not know? Did he not know they were nerd fascists who love killing people over Star Trek/Star Wars debates?
The Brigadier and UNIT busts in, raiding the place. Somehow Director Winters manages to take Sarah Jane hostage and they make for the truck parked around back, with the Robot covering their escape.
I love how the SRS just sits there. Can’t you see it’s a UNIT raid? I mean it’s not like they’re going to do anything, but come on.
And then when they get outside, UNIT just stands there and let’s the SRS run-awayers get away in a truck. And it takes FOREVER. The Robot has to walk all the way into the truck, and it’s not like that thing moves very fast or this doesn’t take a long time.
They even manage to drive away right past UNIT troops.
Harry calls The Brigadier on The Brigadier’s 70s cell phone (seriously, look at that thing) and manages to tell The Brigadier that Think Tank is relocating somewhere secret. Unfortunately, Harry’s discovered because he was talking on a landline (and not a UNIT sanctioned 70s cell phone) and carted off with the retreating Think Tankers.
UNIT manages to track The Think Tankers to a random ass bunker and they charge the place but get taken out by the bunker’s defense system and guns and stuff.
Director Winters phones up the Brigadier and issues her ultimatums or whatever, saying they won’t get past the defenses or through the doors and the governments of the world will be complying with their demands shortly.
UNIT manages to take out the bunker’s gun placements and The Doctor manages to de-mine the bunker with his sonic screwdriver and starts to cut out the lock on the bunker’s main door with the sonic power.
Winters starts to panic (that was really, really easy) and orders the release of the nuclear codes as well as the sicking of the Robot on UNIT forces.
One of the SRS forces gives the Robot the disintegrator gun (which they’ve placed in a crate packed in a neatly-lined styrofoam casing) and the Robot comes out and starts blowing up cars and shrinking troops and such.
And then it takes out that tank, which totally doesn’t look fake at all.
The Robot then turns the gun on UNIT and tells them to leave or it will destroy them.
Ummmm… Yeah, I think we got that.
Part 4:
Kettlewell informs Director Winters that everything is in order for the destructor codes, but he makes sure she’s not going to use them. Turns out she is and Kettlewell is a naïve bafoon. Shoulda put some brains into that head instead of just hair, good sir.
She makes him turn on the countdown for five minutes and goes with her assistant to check on the food supplies. They check in on Sarah Jane and Harry and she makes the snap decision that they’ll need to be disposed of because they can’t have any extra mouths to feed.
But they can do that later. Which, you know. It takes a long time to shoot two people in the head (not that I’m advocating it, but someone needs to learn how long it takes to pull a trigger twice).
The Doctor asks UNIT to distract the Robot while he cuts through the door and breaks inside.
With just ninety seconds left, Kettlewell attempts to destroy the machine but is stopped by Kettlewell’s assistant. Harry and Sarah Jane burst in (SEE?! You shoulda just taken the five seconds and saved yourself a failure of a plan later) and Harry punches the assistant out.
They convince Kettlewell to stop the countdown, open the doors, and rush outside. The Robot confronts them, and in the confusion The Robot murders Kettlewell with its disintegrator ray.
The Robot cries out in anguish (which is totally not hilarious) at the murder of its master and collapses in the bunker’s doorway. Everyone runs inside and Benton snags the disintegrator gun.
While this was going on, Winters managed to reinitiate the countdown, so when they enter, she tells them they’re all too late. The Brigadier yells at her to stop it, but she laughs at him and gets carted away.
The Doctor leaps forward and flips open the book with eighteen seconds left on the countdown. He starts to punch in some codes and within sixteen seconds, manages to stop the countdown.
Everyone goes off to clean up and Sarah Jane comes across the Robot, which is stalking through the halls and somehow manages to take her hostage without anyone noticing.
Turns out A GIANT SEVERAL TON ROBOT GOT UP FROM ITS NAP TIME AND CLIMBED DOWN INTO THE BUNKER AND NO ONE IN UNIT NOTICED. And then when people did notice it wasn’t there, everyone managed to assume that someone else knew where it was.
That’s it. Everyone in UNIT is fired. I mean it.
The Doctor theorizes that Sarah’s disappearance (cuz she has since disappeared) is tied to the Robot’s because of the emotional bond between Sarah and The Robot.
So now in a room in the bunker that UNIT didn’t check (because everyone in UNIT isn’t paying attention) the Robot tells Sarah it wants to destroy humanity (why? Because it forced him to kill his creator? I guess?) but it will leave her behind because she is kind.
Benton tells The Brigadier and The Doctor that they can’t seem to find the Robot anywhere and then, apropos of nothing, mentions the part about the living metal and the metal virus.
The Doctor grabs Benton’s boobs, because this gives The Doctor an idea and he and Harry race off to Kettlewell’s lab to go whip up the metal virus to stop the Robot.
While this is going on, the Robot resets the countdown in the bunker and tells Sarah of his plans to build a whole civilization of robots to live with because they will not lie to him.
Fortunately, The Doctor realizes that The Robot wants to destroy the world and manages to get word to The Brigadier to initiate all the failsafes and such. Which works. And manages to shut down the countdown.
The Robot gets upset and walks outside. Sarah Jane starts crying over the fact that the powers of the world will now try to destroy the Robot, but the Robot declares it cannot be destroyed. And now they head outside.
So this is our last youtube. It’s all about the fun and the exciting. It’s a bit long, but it’s really fun Robot, and you get to see Bessie’s last run (as far as I know) and what The Doctor thinks of seatbelts. Also, it’s epic. Did I mention that?
So after all that, The Doctor comes to visit a very traumatized Sarah and they discuss the downfall of the magnificent good that coulda come from the Robot. It wounded her, it really did, to see it go down like that.
The Doctor tells her she needs a change. They’ll get in the TARDIS and just… take off.
Sarah Jane tells him he can’t do that. He has to stay and do UNIT work, but The Doctor doesn’t want to. He just wants to leave and not do anymore of that formal military crap. It’s time to go back out there. See the stars. Have an adventure.
He asks her if she’s coming and she takes him up on the offer of a jelly baby. They share a laugh and head for the TARDIS.
Harry enters (WEARING AN ASCOT) and asks where The Doctor thinks he’s going in the Police Box. Everyone knows Police Boxes don’t travel around the cosmos.
The Doctor challenges him to that, telling him to step inside. Harry enters and gives his shocked word and Sarah and The Doctor share a laugh and depart in the TARDIS, which flickers away, leaving UNIT life behind.
And in that, "Robot" is nothing short of a triumph. That doesn't even mention the silly ridiculousness that UNIT has fallen into, and really, I'm okay with that because UNIT, as a concept, is kind of a joke (much like the United Nations is nothing short of a joke (Ohhhhhh burn)).

But yeah. All this only highlights the Doctor's reactionary need to get away from all this. You can tell from the first five minutes of this story that The Doctor's done with Earth and UNIT for the time being, and it only makes sense that The Fourth Doctor's reaction against his previous incarnation is to stay away from Earth for most of his run.
And who can blame him?

It's with his departure with Sarah Jane and Harry that they go off into the stars, onto the most successful run in Doctor Who history. And after this kickoff, I'm stoked.
Next Time!: 1st Doctor! And he's trying the crush the internet! Plus! Giant Hilarity Machines! The groovy groovy 60s! And the worst Companion departure of all time (I hope!)! "The War Machines"! Coming next Tuesday!
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