
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Serial 38: The Abominable Snowmen

Doctor: Patrick Troughton (2nd Doctor)
Companion: Jamie, Victoria

Written by: Mervyn Haisman & Henry Lincoln
Directed by: Gerald Blake

Background & Significance: When putting together and determining the order for this (what I assume many, many people consider "infernal") popcorning order, I try to make it so that we here at Classical Gallifrey don't spend too much time focusing on any particular set of sequential stories in both "the grand scheme" of the blog itself or in terms of the chronology of a particular Doctor. Granted, saying that now comes just after covering The Return of The Master trilogy, but you know what? Box sets are cool.

But here we are. At the thematic start of the Troughton era.

It's strange that the last Troughton we talked about just last month was "Tomb of the Cybermen" (and oh holy god how good was that even still!) and this, "The Abominable Snowmen" comes from Troughton's next sequential story. Not intentional, I can assure you.

And yet, I almost feel like it continues a oeuvre unique to Troughton. "Tomb of the Cybermen" comes from Troughton's second season, and yet it doesn't seem to fit the mold of those stories that came directly after it. Troughton's second season (season five in the overall scope of the show) is a season that many have referred to as "Monster"-based. It's here that we have The Doctor going up against Cybermen, an introduction to The Ice Warriors (who will return in the next season), evil seaweed, more Cybermen (do Cybermats count? NO NO WE'RE NOT TALKING CYBERMEN), and the Yeti, who appear in this story and a story just a little later called called "The Web of Fear". Which I know we'll talk about eventually.

So in a lot of ways, "The Abominable Snowmen" is the kick off for this era of monsters and it's a real fitting place to start now that I feel comfortable discussing stories that are at least partially missing. But it's also important for other things.

The most obvious, as we talked about just a second ago (literally! Just seconds!) is the start of this Parade of Monsters, and famous monsters at that, although this is (ironically) not their most famous of stories even though you'd totally expect it to be. The Yeti are legends in their own rights, but not for this story. I mean, every time we're reminded about the Yeti, we're reminded of  how many times The Brigadier fought The Yeti (but in the London Underground)?

But that's a different story ("Web of Fear"! Coming eventually!). This is the start of something different. For one thing, this is the return of the long story, which would prevail all throughout the rest of Troughton's era. The past two seasons of the show made a concerted effort to tell smaller, less rambly four part stories, but every story from here until Troughton's departure in "The War Games" is more than four parts (excepting one), and it... shows. And it hurts the overall result of the era, I think. Longer stories feel more epic and sprawling and big and old school and all that, but that only works if you can effectively fill the time with something compelling (See "The War Games" or "The Invasion"). This is one of those stories that suffers from being not only six parts but also missing. I think it'd be different if I wasn't having to deal with bootleg/fan re-constructions of events because episode two (as we'll discuss) is a total change in everything what with being able to see it.

But thank goodness it survives in whatever form and we get to talk Troughton some more and so soon (and even more soon too!). It's also the return of Innes Lloyd as producer and Peter Bryant as script editor after a small detour we got in "Tomb of the Cybermen". And it's nice to see him back. I find I quite like Innes Lloyd and what he brings to the show overall. And then we also get some more Victoria (always cool) and Jamie (although it's not his best) and we get to start talking about this big ol' procession of Monsters thing that will persist throughout the rest of Troughton's era. And I love that we get to talk about all that.

Sigh. I just wish it all existed and only existed as a four parter.

So let's get to it!


Part 1:

So here we go. Into the belly of the beast…

The first thing I think I should mention, right off the bat, is that this is the first time we’re doing a reconstruction, or, at least, the first time we’re talking about a reconstruction since they became possible to review.

The last time we reviewed a reconstruction, it was “The Daleks’ Master Plan”, which was its own weird mixture of choices and things. This is a little different, though because we’re not recapping so much as opening up the story to soapbox discussion and this is a whole lot more sane than that story ended up being, if I may be perfectly honest and all that. So… I guess this has that going for it…

As I’ll discuss later, my biggest problem with this story is the fact that it drags, which is not helped at all by the fact that it doesn’t actually exist and watching it nowadays involves watching a series of static images that attempt to paint a picture while the actual soundtrack of the episode plays underneath, with linking narration if you’re lucky. Fortunately, I’m lucky. But that doesn’t really help anything, because these stories are so much about the visual and these actors and seeing the stories played out and all that. The reconstructions help, but as we’ll see in the next part it’s nowhere near the real experience.

That said, I don’t feel this first part drags at all.

There’s something about first parts. They always seem to have a whole bunch of energy, which only makes sense. It’s something fresh and something new. Not only that, but it’s kinda really hard to mess them up. You don’t even really have to do anything in them. The TARDIS lands. Maybe a monster attacks (maybe twice). Maybe some miscommunication. Maybe people get separated. Set up your locales and some major players (not even all of them), sprinkle in some mysteries and some twists and things to get moving on and then wrap it on a cliffhanger and voila. Episode one.

For this, the mystery thing, the big one is, of course, what The Doctor is hiding.

To be honest, it reminds me a lot of Sylvester McCoy, and how they made a concerted effort during the McCoy era to bring a sense of ominous shroud and mystery to The Doctor that was missing from Hartnell’s era through Hartnell’s own portrayal. But here it works a little bit different, you know? It feels very much like they’re trying to infuse some of that mystery while simultaneously having it serve a story purpose rather than some overarching theme such as “The Cartmel Plan”. But it’s still kinda nifty, if for no other reason than because it’s an attempt to bring that mystery to the forefront.

Then again… I dunno. They could do more with it. It’s something that almost needs to be a constant thread through this whole story, but it ends up fizzling until about episode five and then… doesn’t really become a thing at all, really.

I love other things about this episode, though. Like the relationship between The Doctor, Jamie, and Victoria. It’s one of those nice things where like… Jamie and The Doctor feel like a young nephew on a grand tour with his uncle and they have this very familial and cordial relationship and… it’s not that this dynamic goes away, but it shifts when it’s with Zoe. Here, though, it’s much more different. Victoria is very much the young orphan-niece of the group, someone whom The Doctor and Jamie are constantly tending to to make sure she’s safe and not put into too much terrible danger.

I like that. I really do. It’s very specific, and while it’s not how they’d do it today, I really really like it. And if you know Victoria’s departure, that makes how she goes out that much more special.

It’s also here that we get introduced to the Monastery, which I love. I love that this story is set in Tibet (all that’s missing is snow) and there’s a bunch of Tibetan Monks and Llamas running around and they’re going to be badass (although not as badass as other monks like in, say, “Tooth and Claw”), but for now they’ve locked The Doctor in a cell and there’s the vague threat of Abominable Snowmen or Yeti who’ve been stalking around the caves. And we haven’t seen them yet, so it’s a whole... thing. The Jaws principle, I mean.

But don’t worry. That’s going away soon.

Part 2:

So part two exists, and I love that it does because it shows the energy and life this serial can have when put together under the visual stylings and flair Gerald Blake brings to the table for this latest base-under-siege story.

In a lot of ways, this is where the story *really* starts. We get the hint of more and more Yeti who are going to show up (and by more and more I meant two Yeti) and we do in fact see them. Victoria and Jamie make it to the Monastery and we have the hint at those weird shiny glinty orb things, which are both shiny and glinty. We also have the hint at the mysterious Abbot, who’s not really a presence until this part… So… I guess the first part doesn’t really have much of anything…

As far as the story itself, I think it’s an interesting take on things. The Doctor’s past definitely has a role to play in what’s coming next and The Mysterious Abbot is definitely a setup for a bigger payoff, but it’s nice to see these things crop up so they can be played out over the course of the next several episodes.

I like that, in all honesty, although the length and breadth of planning definitely feels like this is a four parter expanded into an unnecessary six parts. That’s to be expected, I think. We’re not quite in the land of the “restructured” six-parter, so it only makes sense that we’re still in what’s essentially an expanded four parter. In a way it definitely gives the whole story a feeling of continuity and consistency, but it also means that the payoffs kinda take forever to deal with. We’ll have to go two more episodes before we get to see what’s up with The Abbot.

But the mysteries are in place, so I guess that’s good.

There’s also something to be said about the backwards, Salem logic of stringing The Doctor up and using him as Yeti bait. If it kills him, he wasn’t working for it, but if it rescues him they’ll kill him for teaming up with the Yeti.

There’s also the hints that these Yeti are not what they seem. Now I like this (re-appropriating established notions to add to the sci-fi), but at the same time, the reveal here hints at something greater coming later, which, granted, is not far from the truth… But it still begs the question of… if this is… I dunno. It’s about the Abominable Snowmen, but here it’s not really about them much at all is it? We find out that they’re fakes very early on… So… Yeah…

To be honest, not much is happening, or nothing super fantastic and worth discussing. Maybe later stories will farm better content.

Part 3:

It’s all about the shiny glinty orb.

For all intents and purposes, nothing really happens in this part. I mean, there’s some running around and debating on whether or not they’re going to go out and find the orb that’s outside, but… Other than that…

I mean, the orb thing is good. Let’s not get that wrong or leave that dangling for too long. See, at the end of the last part we find out that there were these two mysterious shiny glinty orbs and they’re talking to each other and they look like that pyramid thing we saw in the caves, but one is stuck in the mud outside and one is maneuvering itself around the monastery, unknown by anyone else, which is strange, but whatever. I can go with it, can’t you? I mean, it’s not like anyone’s looking for it and it’s being all sneaky and stuff.

So having this whole thing lead up to the captured Yeti getting the orb re-installed in its chest is structurally quite sound.

And yet, this is all background play.

Much of this episode spends a great deal of time with The Doctor and the Monks trying to decide what to do. Sure, there’s some Yeti attacks and the Abbot is walking around and being all mysterious and taking orders from the ever-so-mysterious gross-handed dude who we’ll eventually find out is Master Padmasambhava. And he gets a pyramid and stuff and that’s all well and good and he’s going to do big sci-fi thing with said transparent little pyramid toy thing, but until then…

As with all six parters, this one just turns out incredibly slow and uneventful. There are moments of greatness, but this episode in particular doesn’t really have mcuh of that. It’s kind of a filler episode as we wait for more things to happen. Very disappointing.

I’ll tell you where this episode succeeds, though: Victoria.

I hear a lot bandied about how Victoria is mad useless, and that might be the case, but to be honest, she’s actually really good in this. While The Doctor and Jamie are off on their mad wild goose chase, Victoria is walking around the Monastery snooping and getting herself into whole manners of trouble. Even the way she escapes from her cell is not the most original thing, but it’s still incredibly compelling and well done. I don’t even care that the end of the episode is her screaming at the rising Yeti. That’s one of those things that no one could help. Were it Jamie, he would scream too.

If I may be so bold and honest and open for a minute, can I just tell you something about this story?

This story suffers from the curse of being neither good nor bad. One of the reasons I have such… it’s not distaste so much as ambivalence for this story is just that. There are certain cool things in the story such as the Yeti themselves or the idea that there’s a Monastery of Warrior Monks, but there isn’t much else to it. Take Troughton, who is, in so many of his stories, a touchstone of mine. When all else fails, there’s always Troughton to lean on (he’s kinda like Davison in that respect). But here…. Not so much. It’s not that Troughton is bad. He’s not. This is good Troughton, but it mostly fails in this instance because we can’t really see him running around like the silly old uncle Troughton is so good at being AND because it doesn’t really give him a lot to deal with. I mean, you have the notion that a LOT is going on in his head because he’s got a secret (been there since the first episode), but that is really put in the back seat from here until his confrontation with Padmasambhava in a couple episodes.

So really, what we’re left with is a big steaming pile of apathy. There’s nothing super mad creative about this; it’s completely average Doctor Who in every way.

And I’m sorry, but I have a hard time talking about completely average Doctor Who.

Part 4:

I keep expecting this to get better with each progressive part, but it keeps not happening.

But what works? Try to stay positive. What works.

Victoria. I keep coming back to Victoria, mostly because she keeps consistently surprising me after all the hearsay I know about. I know I’ve said I haven’t seen most of her stories yet (I tend not to count “Evil of The Daleks” because she feels like a Macguffin/afterthought than a real proper companion), but from what I understand, she’s your typical “scream and do nothing else” companion. Kinda like Mel after “Trial”. That’s just what I imagine, anyways. But here she’s… she’s really good. She’s proactive. She’s getting into scrapes, she’s doing more things than just about anyone else in this story. The way she gets out of that cell is inspired, and I love the relationship she has with Thomni.

And then there’s her at the end of the episode. She goes snooping around and gets all enthralled by the enticing sounds of Padmasambhava.

This, of course, is a turning point for the story. I love Padmasambhava. He has a nice, dulcet quality to all his words and is nothing but extremely creepy all throughout his mysterious vocalizations. Except for whenever he descends into hissings, though. I find that it’s… I understand what he’s doing there. He’s trying to sound menacing and scary, but Padmasambhava is scary and menacing because he *doesn’t* sound like that. The voice is so creepy and calm but just under the surface you know that it’s just luring into that false sense of security and all that. It’s really great stuff.

But yeah. The turning point is we come face to face with him and we get to see how “scary” he is. Which is not very by Doctor Who standards. I know I’ve certainly seen more horridly terrifying and grotesque on this show. And yet I think they get away with what they can get away with.

If I have a problem with this story, though. It’s that.

See, we’re here because we’re watching a Monster story and it’s called “The Abominable Snowmen.” But what we come to realize/find out is that these aren’t really Yeti at all, but robot fuzzies who are run/orchestrated by this thing called “The Great Intelligence” which is worshiped by Padmasambhava. And that’s… that’s fine, I guess. But this is the third time I’m watching this and I can’t even remember what “The Great Intelligence” actually is. And that’s inherently problematic. Not only that, but this story just can’t figure out what to focus on. Are we focusing on that or are we focusing on the imminent Yeti threat? Because…. I don’t think this quite knows.

That’s not to say the Yeti threat isn’t good. I think it’s great. I love the Yeti bursting through the Monastery in fear and just juggernauting through the Warrior Monks in question (I just wish I could see it), and that’s all good.

But there’s something… lacking about it. The story doesn’t really have any imminent sense of threat or danger. The Yeti don’t really do anything at all. We kinda saw it at the VERY beginning when Professor Travers’s camp was attacked, but really, all we’ve seen them do is grab some orbs and run away. Get captured, and run away. Stand still, then run away. Escort the Abbot. Move around like chess pieces. It’s not so unlike Davros orchestrating all the Daleks if you really think about it. And I like that Padmasambhava is a great chess master because that makes him all smart and junk, but at the same time it really diminishes the power and strength of The Yeti as formidable monsters. I mean, we’re in episode four. Have they truly done anything terribly dangerous yet?

Gonna be honest with you. I think the answer is no.

And then let’s get to something I’d rather not talk about, but I guess we have to because this is a place of discussion or whatever.

It’s because of stories like this that I don’t think Troughton would ever be my top Doctor. That’s not to say he’s bad. I’ve said on multiple occasions that he’s one of the greats, constantly underappreciated, and probably the most important Doctor of all of them. But I think my issue with him here is like… He’s so good in all the stories I’ve seen him in. He’s brilliant in “The Invasion”, “The War Games”, “The Mind Robber,” “The Tomb of the Cybermen”, “The Three Doctors”, hell even “The Five Doctors” and “The Two Doctors” (although he did suffer from horrible, horrible misuse on both occasions).

But I think that’s why stories like this and “The Seeds of Death” diminish his presence in my mind.

I’ll be the first to tell you that I really demand a lot of these actors. In a lot of ways that’s why I come down so hard on Tom Baker so often. I’m not a huge fan of complacency, especially not on my favourite show.

Same here with Troughton. I don’t think Troughton is bad here. I think what you have is standard Troughton, and while it’s probably true that I’ve seen Troughton at his absolute best (pick any of the four stories I just mentioned), it’s hard for me to say that this is his best or that he’s used particularly well here. He’s got moments, sure, but it’s far from his best work or the best use of the character. He’s spent the past two episodes just trouncing around doing not much of anything, and while he’s good in that (in a way), it’s far from the standard to which I hold him.

Which only goes to hurt this story in my eyes.

Part 5:

I think someone retroactively read what I just wrote, cuz ummm… yeah.

My issue with the last part (and really, with this whole serial) has been a distinct lack of involvement from The Doctor. All he’s done up to this episode is run around ineffectually, getting into minor scrapes but nothing super massive.

Here, it’s different. Here, we have The Doctor starting to formulate a plan and take active role in the events going on around him. And my GOD is it refreshing. Seriously, there’s nothing worse than a mostly passive main character who’s just sitting around letting events happen to him, or maybe he’s off doing something but it doesn’t feel involved and it feels completely tangential and whatever the hell that is. He’s running around the countryside looking for the transmitter but he can’t seem to find it and he finds a Yeti and he removes and orb and it’s just a wasteful run around.

But here it’s like a completely different Troughton. Completely different.

Take the absolutely marvelous scenes in this episode, the first in which he finally confronts his old friend Padmasambhava, which is a truly touching and brilliantly executed reunion and finally fulfills the promise of the premise that we got some four episodes ago or whatever, and that’s…. See, that’s too long. You’d think The Doctor would have thought to go in there or whatever. It doesn’t make any sense for him not to. But I’m getting away from the super awesome that is The Doctor meeting Padmasambhava, which is touching and insightful and poignant and tragic because The Doctor’s saying “hullo” to his old friend, who he feels he’s let down.

And the absolute gut punch is Padmasambhava’s apparent death, after which The Doctor leaves and you see that Padmasambhava is not just still alive, but righteously pissed off and bad stuff is coming. It’s great.

Let’s also forget The Doctor going back into the mountains with Travers to try and find the source of the transmission (which is done off screen, proving that all the Doctor/Jamie stuff in previous episodes was PURELY to kill time and act as a useless set piece) because The Doctor also watches a brainwashed Victoria (which, by the way is totally rad. I love brainwashed Victoria and how she acts around everything and reacts to The Doctor’s voice by saying the same thing over and over. It’s a nice touch of like… re-programming the brain or whatever).

But the best part about this thing? Again! Troughton!

Seriously, the guy gets stuff to do finally and shows the hell off. I love the way he talks to Jamie about what they need to do to help Victoria against the scourge of evil or whatever. The care and compassion Troughton injects into the part helps make his character so lovely and excellent all the time and constantly, but the way it speaks to this particular relationship where he’s an interim/foster father for Victoria and he actually cares is truly wonderful and touching and it makes me really love his relationship with her. He’s so delicate and careful not wanting to hurt her because she’s in a vulnerable state… Great, great stuff.

That doesn’t even include the YETI! They finally do something in this part too! They invade and bust up some doors and punch some columns because of Padmasambhava’s orders—

No. Wait. And then they leave.

Honestly, I hate this bit. Know what it feels like? It feels like you took the Yeti and turned them into what the Yeti would be on Scooby Doo, which is some bloke in a mask who’s trying to scare off the local customers because he wants to collect on the insurance money he’ll get if it’s a bad season. And really, that’s all these Yeti are. They are manifestations of this thing called “The Great Intelligence” (which Padmasambhava worships and is a slave to(?) but I’m not quite sure what it is, which is awful especially because we’re in episode five of six) which wants the Monks to leave the Monastery… why, exactly? I mean, can’t Padmasambhava (as the Master of the place) just ask them to go on a scavenging field trip? Why resort to cheap tricks when you don’t need to?

I find that problematic. Also that means they’re not real Yeti, but not even cool Robot Yetis, which I'm fine with for the most part except for the bit where they aren't even the big ol' big bad but pawns to the weird, not-ever-quite-really-explained big bad, which is such a waste. They are mindless fuzzies who just walk around hug-crushing things when they aren’t standing around looking at cool things. It’s kind of a huge waste if I can be honest. All I want is honest to god Yeti. Make them aliens! Make them alien pets! Hell, make them robots. Just don’t waste a great concept by using them to serve some useless plot function that isn't even really useless at all (insult to useless). Give them something to do. Give them teeth.

Ugh. What a waste.

Part 6:

This reminds me of "The Time Monster".

Okay, so that's throwing the gauntlet a little bit. But it's kinda really true a lot. Part of the problem with "The Time Monster" is that it's okay to start and then completely loses everyone for the middle bits and then comes back around for about two episodes of caring, but as sometimes-guest-blogger Cassandra said when she was recapping the story (and in every discussion of "The Time Monster" afterwards), by the time things started happening I was so far away from caring that I just couldn't anymore. And that's really how I feel about this part and this story in general.

Now, I know that's still a gauntlet, because that's comparing this story to one of the worst stories ever produced (in my opinion), but this is better. Make no mistakes about that, but the level of apathy I have for the end result of this story is telling of how uninvested I've been throughout the whole piece.

And this episode is even one of the stronger ones. Troughton is exceptional again here. I love the way he tells Victoria to leave with the Monks and she's like "What if I don't want to?" and he's like "Yes, well... there's always that" and he lets her stay. Again, the relationship between The Doctor and Victoria is really, really excellent and I love how he insists on treating her like an adult despite not doing that to later companions down the line. I love how he knows she'll do good in the room when the chips are down and allows her to stay because he trusts her. Seriously, maybe I'm missing something? But I'm not getting all this Victoria ambivalence.

But Troughton's also good in the ending. The big confrontation with Padmasambhava is really epic and huge and it's probably really well done on Troughton's part, but we can't see it so ho hum.

I think of all the episodes to suffer most from being missing, this is that one, especially because so much of it is action based. I'd really love to see the big epic of this fight as The Doctor and his team fight to take down Padmasambhava and The Great Intelligence. I'd love to watch as Victoria struggles with attempting to stop Padmasambhava from taking over her mind or even the Yeti come in and start to wreck havoc or even Padmasambhava himself, which is probably the saddest thing of all of this. He's ever so creepy and ever so chilling and I think it'd work even better if we could see him do the things.

Oh. And. While we're at it? The Yeti did nothing in this story. Seriously, nothing. They came in at the end and started punching columns and making with the fuzzy but they never actually did anything. It's so disappointing and a huge waste of a creature.

But then I think about like... I dunno. It doesn't feel like The Great Intelligence is quite defeated in this. Maybe that's just my VAGUE knowledge of the basis of "The Web of Fear", but it's true, isn't it? The Great Intelligence persists. The Yeti come back. And it will be famous and legendary. Mad famous and legendary.

Maybe the Yeti will actually do something cool in that one. Maybe. Hopefully. I dunno. We'll get to it eventually.

Final Thoughts: When discussing “Tomb of the Cybermen”, it’s almost impossible to not talk about the novelty of it existing in its entirety and the joy that we can all have in seeing it uninterrupted.

When it comes to “The Abominable Snowmen”, I’m not sure if this is exactly that same case.

Of the entire story, part two is the only part that completely exists. The rest you have to watch by resorting to some form of telesnap visual reconstruction and matching that up to the surviving soundtrack or what have you. This alone is awesome and I’m eternally grateful and yada yada yada. But while I do think this story’s lack of existence definitely hurts it, I’m hard pressed to say that watching what does actually exist would elevate this story into something that’s truly extraordinary and legendary.

It happens, of course. Every Doctor has their stories that are less good than others. Even Hinchcliffe/Holmes had some clunkers (I’m looking at you “Revenge of the Cybermen”), but there’s something about the Troughton era that makes it… less than inspiring.

That’s not to say this story isn’t good. Here is where we get that ever-constant Troughton staple. There's a group of warrior monks (awesome) in their monastery (base) and it's being attacked by Yeti (under siege). And in theory I like this, and in execution, I think I do. The base under siege recurrence really works for Troughton's era, I think, especially because of the very specific and intense focus on making monster adventures and stuff. What's the thing to do with monsters? They attack. They attack where you are and you have to defend it. And I don't mind that. I really don't. Is it the most compelling and mad interesting? No, not always. Can it be stilted? Absolutely. This is stilted and boring and dragging and about two parts too long and a huge waste of Troughton. It's got it's moments, but it's hard for me to say that it's anywhere near my favourite Troughton story.

Put this story with someone like Pertwee and it'd probably be a little bit cooler in my eyes, but I hold the Troughton era to such a high standard because the monsters are so compelling and The Doctor's companions in this era are all so cool and specific and unique and Patrick Troughton himself is legendary and a super fantastic Doctor and a totally amazing and important and good one at that.

So I think this story suffers from my expectations (as I've said previously), which is fine, I suppose. The problem is that it doesn't get any better. It stays consistently at the level it's at. Even when I came back to it after the initial watch and watched it again dreading it, the second watch wasn't any better. Ah well. Maybe next time. And hopefully "The Web of Fear" will be awesome when I get to watching that one. I am nothing if not eternally optimistic.

I also realized I'm now scared of watching "The Underwater Menace" in the nearish future. Oh no... That won't be good.

Next Time!: 4th Doctor! Sarah Jane! A big ol' ball of energy! Amazing facial hair! Renaissance Italy! And some really stellar characters who'll be totally awesome! "The Masque of Mandragora"! Coming Next Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. I really liked the surviving episode when I saw it, I thought it was mad crazy goodness, and like you, I really liked Victoria and Troughton's Doctor. I thought the set design was pretty cool, and the shiny orbs and all... appreciate your points about it being needlessly drawn-out though, I've always struggled with the six-parters.
